
Archive for February, 2009

Jonathan from MyMoneyBlog.Com found an interesting chart, which charts the last four bear markets including the one we are in.

It looks like we could be in this for at least 15 more months. Even with the relief the Govt has approved, it doesn’t look like there is end in sight.

FAZ has been a huge money maker for me this year.

If the year continues the way it is, FAZ may continue to perform “well”.

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Jonathan from MyMoneyBlog.Com found an interesting chart, which charts the last four bear markets including the one we are in.

It looks like we could be in this for at least 15 more months. Even with the relief the Govt has approved, it doesn’t look like there is end in sight.

FAZ has been a huge money maker for me this year.

If the year continues the way it is, FAZ may continue to perform “well”.

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The STO show that the markets look like they are about to bounce back up. None of my positions suggest to me an overbought status. I’ll probably dump them as soon as they are overbought or hit their targets.

I hope to free up some more capital by the end of this week. We’ll see.

Tomorrow will probably be a watching day. Depending on the weather, I could, if time permits hit the driving range. Though it seems more likely on Wednesday.

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The STO show that the markets look like they are about to bounce back up. None of my positions suggest to me an overbought status. I’ll probably dump them as soon as they are overbought or hit their targets.

I hope to free up some more capital by the end of this week. We’ll see.

Tomorrow will probably be a watching day. Depending on the weather, I could, if time permits hit the driving range. Though it seems more likely on Wednesday.

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In the economy we are in today, it’s no wonder people are trying to cut down costs. However, one man has decided to save his TRASH!

What is most interesting about this article and video is how he reduces his trash. One way he does so is by consuming less. That concept is almost a no brainer. He also has worms that help eat his trash. Surprisingly, he’s been able to limit his trash to about thirty pounds for the entire year. Studies have indicated the average American throws away five pounds a DAY.

I’m always interested in “hacks” in life. How to live life smarter. This is definitely something that caught my eye.

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In the economy we are in today, it’s no wonder people are trying to cut down costs. However, one man has decided to save his TRASH!

What is most interesting about this article and video is how he reduces his trash. One way he does so is by consuming less. That concept is almost a no brainer. He also has worms that help eat his trash. Surprisingly, he’s been able to limit his trash to about thirty pounds for the entire year. Studies have indicated the average American throws away five pounds a DAY.

I’m always interested in “hacks” in life. How to live life smarter. This is definitely something that caught my eye.

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