
Archive for the ‘Women Celebrities’ Category

First dates are nerve-racking. Where should I take her? What should we do? These are common questions we have especially if we don’t know what she likes to do. 

 Here is some advice. 

1) Pick somewhere chill. Not somewhere that is too loud (e.g. bar or club), but has a good fun vibe. It’s too difficult to hear in a bar or club. Personally, I dislike theater movies as first dates because you can’t talk during the movie. You come out of the movie not knowing anymore about her than you did going into the movie. 

2) Save the extravagant activity (i.e. wine tasting) for a third or fourth date. A cooking class or wine tasting will be difficult to follow up. If you set the bar high, then the expectation is that you keep that up. 

3) Invite her to dinner. If you see that the date is going well then you can suggest going to get dessert or coffee afterwards. That way if you are thirty minutes into the date and you want out, you know you won’t have to wait till after coffee. 

4) Do an activity (e.g. walking, hiking, or biking). Engaging activities can lead to great conversations. Plus it gives you another thing to talk about.

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Crazy, stupid, love. 

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Like most of my peers, I strive for a better life each and every day. As cliché as it is to say, a better life for me is having those around me be happy. When we talk about happiness, I’m not talking about having every moment be pure jubilation. That is largely impossible.

The happiness I speak of is inner peace and the sense that we have everything to be happy already. That’s not to say that we shouldn’t have any desires; but when our criteria for happiness becomes having this job, that type of girl/guy, that house, etc. We are essentially trying to fill a leaky bucket with water.

Let’s face it. Most of our issues are not whether or not we have something to eat tomorrow, but what are we going to do about next week’s presentation to the VP. While we may have everything to be happy, the truth is few of us are. We believe that when we land that perfect job, then we will be happy. The problem with that is then your happiness becomes dependent on landing that job. This in turn creates anxiety, stress, and tension. The reality is that if we stopped focusing on ourselves, we’ll have a better chance at happiness.

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Ellie Kemper

Just watched the latest ‘The Office’ episode. Ellie really looks good. She has an awesome personality and she is funny. Enuff said!

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Not sure what all the fuss is about…Oh, I see..

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Thankful for..

1) Vacation time beginning tomorrow
2) Movie tickets
3) Window view from my bedroom
4) Ability to run/walk
5) Having today

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Make me stronger tomorrow than I was today. Nobody ever said it was easy.

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When you hear “accounting“, what are your first thought? More times than not, I’m going to bet that your first thought involve something related to “taxes”. But, accounting is much more than that.

There is public accounting and then there is private accounting. In public accounting accountants generally provide services to multiple companies, whereas in private accounting you typically provide services to one firm. Public accounting firms include the Big 4 – PwC, Deloitte, Ernst and Young, and KPMG and other mid-tier and  local firms. Private accounting is usually internal; meaning companies like AAPL or NFLX will have accountants working in their own accounting department. 
Nowadays it seems like everyone who holds a financial reporting position has a CPA or is encouraged to become one. I’m in the process of submitting my initial licensing fee for the CPA and then I will be officially a CPA, but I digress.

Q: Who are accountants?
A: We are financial statement auditors, tax professionals, internal audit, consultants, and much more.
Q: What is the difference between PwC, Deloitte, EY, and KPMG? 
A: The biggest difference between the Big 4 is by far the culture. Generally speaking, all the Big 4 firms provide more or less the same services. Meaning they all provide audit, tax, and some form of advisory services. Correct me if I am wrong and I could be as I have not worked at all the Big 4 (only one), PwC I would say is more mellow of the four. Largely known for having more knowledgeable staff members. Part of this is probably due to the fact that staff members are up for promotion after three years versus two in the other Big 4. Deloitte is where more of the hip people are. They party hard and work hard. They’ve been doing quite well this past year and actually surpassed PwC in total revenue. I would say there is a good balance between knowledgeable individuals and those that enjoy partying. Ernst and Young is more serious than I would say Deloitte and KPMG. KPMG is known to be more outgoing than the other Big 4. They party harder than all of the other Big 4.  
Q: What is the difference between Big 4 accounting firms, mid-tier and local firms?
It comes down to the type of clients. Big 4, in aggregate, have all the Fortune 500 companies as clients. If not, they have the majority. Mid-tiers usually have more private companies with lesser market capitalization as clients than the Big 4. Local firms have more governmental organizations as clients than Mid-tiers and Big 4. 
Q:What do accountants do? 
I can only speak for audit. Here is a day in a life of an auditor. I’m considering doing a tax rotation, so when/if that pans out I can do a day in a life of a tax professional at a Big 4 as well. 

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Alright so, the real reason I made this post was not so I could post a bunch of links that you may or may not click on. It is just to post Odette’s picture. Maybe this will make our Monday brighter.

Stock Trading Links
Dissecting Declarations, Ex-Dividends And Record Dates

Life Lessons Links
Six Keys to Being Excellent at Anything
Who Needs Marriage?
Regrets of the Dying
My Name Is Khan.
How Will You Measure Your Life?
Learned Optimism

Entertainment Link
Watch Sports Live
Chef Holli’s Recipes

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